Montessori Life Magazine Digital Resources

Links to digital resources and references from Montessori Life magazine.

Montessori Life, Summer 2024Montessori Life Summer2024

Letter from the Editors: Summertime Reflections

By Carey Jones

Five Questions for Kimberly Kendle Roberson

By Kimberly Kendle Roberson

In Memoriam

By Carey Jones

A California Travelogue: Maria Montessori Visits the Golden State

By Joel Parham

The Woman Behind Maria Montessori: Mary Pyle

By Annie D’Elia Daly

Cultivating Belonging

By Tunisha Hairston-Brown

Crafting the Path: Fiber Arts for Elementary Practical Life

By Frida Azari

Postscript: Making Montessori Information More Accessible

By Heather Gerker and Paige Bray, EdD

Montessori Life, Spring 2024Montessori Life Spring 2024

Letter from the Editors: Standing Together

By Carey Jones

Research: Guiding Our Work & Our Impact

By Munir Shivji

Action Research: A Tool for Equity

by Gay Ward


Suggested Reading

Applying Liberatory Consciousness to Action Research

by Maati Wafford


Community over Control

By Margaret Beagle


A Journey into the Science of Reading

By Tori Virlee, PsyD, Erin Hardin, and Chelsea McKinlay


Book Reviews

By Hannah Cherry, Robin Howe, and Leslie Woodford

A New Word for Normalization?

By Carey Jones

Session Recording

Montessori Life, Winter 2024Montessori Life Winter 2023 - 2024

Advancing Together with Technology (pg. 12 – 13)

By Carey Jones

The Think Tank technology group also has some tips for educators when it comes to vetting AI education platforms:

Equity and AI (pg. 60)

By Maati Wafford

Montessori, Technology, and the Purpose of Education (pg. 18 – 21)

By Patrick Frierson

Suggested Reading

Personal Essay: My Explorations in Tech and Montessori

By Dana Anderson

Tech Resources to Explore

Transform Your Teaching with ChatGPT: How Artificial Intelligence Can Unlock Creativity and Efficiency (pg. 41 – 49)

By Letty Rising