Montessori Life Magazine
The American Montessori Society’s official quarterly magazine.
Montessori Life is the official quarterly magazine of the American Montessori Society.
Articles on Montessori practice and pedagogy, along with articles offering practical ideas for the classroom and reflections from organization stakeholders, serve to provoke thought, promote professional development, and provide a forum for discussion of issues and ideas in the field. In addition, news of our member schools and teacher education programs, and details about upcoming events of interest, bring Montessori educators together as a collegial global community.
Montessori Life is published seasonally: winter (December), spring (March), summer (June), and fall (September).
A subscription to Montessori Life is a benefit of AMS membership.
Individual Members
Individuals with U.S. delivery addresses receive the quarterly print edition and have unlimited access to the digital edition.
Individuals outside the U.S. have unlimited access to the digital edition.
Organization Members
Member schools and affiliated teacher education programs receive the quarterly print edition and have unlimited access to the digital version.
Subscription Packages*
This deeply discounted option consists of 10 copies of Montessori Life sent to a single address 4 times a year (total, 40 magazines). Great for schools, teacher education programs, college education departments, and libraries interested in widely sharing Montessori information with groups of interested readers. Compare prices with the cost of a single issue, lower down. The yearly cost is $480 for individual members and $520 for nonmembers. For more details, and to order, visit Shop AMS.
Digital Edition
Montessori Life magazine is now available online in the digital edition, exclusively for AMS members and subscribers. The Montessori Life online library is filled with 10+ years of issues, searchable by topic, author, and more. Are you looking for an offline experience? Look no further. Each issue is also available to download and print.
Ready to jump in? Start reading the digital version today.
Montessori Life Blog
The Montessori Life blog is the go-to resource for teachers and teachers in training, administrators, families, and everyone interested in staying up to date on hot topics in education, Montessori philosophy, equity, and more.
Available Now
Staff Picks
For those looking to learn more about Montessori education from the perspectives of those in the wider community, we offer a select collection of articles from past issues of Montessori Life. No login is required.
Montessori Parent
Everyone is welcome to read our “Montessori Parent” articles, a regular feature of the magazine.
Members, ready to dive in and read?

Get Involved
Submit Content
If you have a story that you think would be of interest to the Montessori community, thoughts to share with the editors, or photos of your member school or program, we’d like to hear from you. You’ll find details on our Submit Content to Montessori Life webpage.
Let us help you showcase your Montessori-friendly products, programs, and services with cost-effective ads in Montessori Life. Our Advertise in Montessori Life webpage has details.