AMS Event Calendar
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The AMS Events Calendar is designed to keep you up-to-date on all things Montessori. Bookmark this page to stay in the know for upcoming events, networking sessions, conferences, and more.
AMS Learning Live Español - AMS Aprendiendo en Vivo: Las virtudes en la educación mediática y tecnológica digital: Taller interactivo para educadores y administradores de grados 4-8
Join us on Monday, September 18, 7:00 – 8:00 PM (ET). Únete a este taller interactivo para crear y aplicar estrategias concretas que empoderen a los estudiantes de tu aula a autorregular su uso de la tecnología de los medios. Descubre el poder transformador de virtudes como la amabilidad, la moderación, la veracidad, la unidad y la responsabilidad como sólidos anclajes para navegar por cualquier medio, desde videojuegos hasta inteligencia artificial, redes sociales, noticias, sitios web y películas.
RegisterAMS Learning Live - Understanding the Social and Emotional Impact of ADHD and Executive Function Skill Development on Learning, Motivation, and Behavior
Join us on Monday, September 23, 7:00 – 8:15 PM (ET). Discover strategies to support students with ADHD and executive function challenges. Join us to learn how these issues impact learning and performance, and explore ways to start the year on a positive note.
RegisterAMS Learning Live - The Production of Knowledge: Exploring Media as a Means of Data Collection
Join us on Monday, October 28, 7:00 – 8:15 PM (ET). Featuring Donovan Livingston: a Montessori parent and arts-based qualitative researcher who uses music, art, and other forms of media as a means of data collection.
RegisterAMS Tech Talk Live: Update on the Think Tank Technology Group's Work on Digital Citizenship and Mapping Montessori Materials with AI
November 4, 2024, 7:00 PM (ET)—Join us for an insightful AMS Tech Talk Live session focused on the latest updates from the IFTT Technology Group's work on digital citizenship and mapping Montessori materials with AI. Our speakers, members of the IFTT Technology Group, will share their progress, developments, and insights on integrating Montessori principles with artificial intelligence.
Learn moreAMS Learning Live Español - AMS Aprendiendo en Vivo: LA INNOVACIÓN DE LA NEUROCIENCIA EN LA EDUCACIÓN
Join us on Wednesday, December 18, 7:00 – 8:00 PM (ET). ¡Bienvenidos a esta fascinante exploración del cerebro y su impacto en la educación! Prepárese para sumergirse en los descubrimientos de la neurociencia y descubrir cómo estos conocimientos pueden transformar nuestras aulas.