Alphabet of Inspiration for the New Year
This month I invite you to explore this collection of 26 links. Each was chosen to align with one of these three themes:
- Inspiring
- Informative
- Innovative
I hope you find a worthwhile nugget that prompts deeper exploration. Happy clicking!
A – Anger
B – Boredom
C – Curiosity Show
D – Data
E – Emotional Courage
F – Four-year-old's Piano Composition
G – Global Community
H – Habits of Original Thinkers
I – Innovation
J – Joy
K – Kindness
L – Lollipop Moments
M – Music
N – Narrative
O – Optimism
P – Positive Psychology
Q – Quiet Time
R – Random Acts of Kindness
S – Sizes of Stars
T – Thriving
U – U-Theory
V – Verbs are the Energy of Language: Maria Montessori Quotes to Inspire You
W – Why is the Grass Green?
X – Ibram X. Kendi speaks on Antiracism
Y – Year's End
Z – Zzzzz
Wishing you all a joyous holiday season!
I am honored to be in community with you. This holiday season, I—along with the entire AMS team—want to thank you for all you have done and continue to do on behalf of children, adolescence, and adult learners. You are the best gift we could ever ask for.
Growing in gratitude,
And on behalf of the AMS Board of Directors, AMS SAC and TEAC Commissioners, and the entire team at AMS HQ.
A special thank you goes to Bonnie Ricci, executive director of International Council Advancing Independent School Accreditation (ICAISA) for the inspiration to research and share 26 links, one for each letter of the alphabet. ICAISA commends and confirms confidence in the quality of school accreditation programs. Your AMS is a recognized association member of ICAISA.
About the Author
Munir Shivji, MEd (he/him), is the executive director at AMS. For over 20 years, he has been a noteworthy leader in Montessori education—as a former teacher, instructor, school administrator, and teacher education program administrator. He is an inspirational multi-AMS-Montessori credentialed leader who observes, connects, and tells stories that inspire action while also being grounded in business and financial acumen that levers the American Montessori Society for future success. Munir takes the collective voice and vision and makes it a reality through creative strategy development. Respected as a leading voice in Montessori, Munir connects AMS members and the Montessori community, establishes meaningful experiences for all stakeholders, and leads by example, always doing his best and encouraging others to do the same. |
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