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Montessori Method / Montessori People

In an interview with Sonia Manzano, Sesame Street’s “Maria,” she discusses children, learning, politics, entertainment, and writing. She was a keynote speaker at the AMS 2017 Annual Conference.

Montessori People / Community / Leadership

Munir Shivji’s entire professional life has focused on Montessori education and he now proudly serves as the executive director of the American Montessori Society.

Montessori People / Montessori Method / Community

Read about the career opportunities available at the American Montessori Society. Learn more and apply or submit your resume to be considered for future opportunities.

Community / Montessori Method / Montessori People

Learn how the founding of the first Montessori school more than 100 years ago led to a worldwide movement that is now more relevant than ever.

Montessori People / Montessori Method

Meet Dr. Maria Montessori—physician, educator, advocate for world peace—and founder of the Montessori Method of education.

Montessori People / Montessori Method / Community

How did AMS become the leading advocate for Montessori education? Read on!

Montessori People / Community / Media

Montessori alumni are noted for being strong and capable persons. They model initiative, independence, dignity, selflessness, sound judgement, and ability to work well with others.

Montessori People / Montessori Method / Community

The American Montessori Society is the leading member advocacy organization, research forum, and resource collaborative for the global community of Montessori educators. Our mission: “Empowering humanity to build a better world through Montessori”

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