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Board Of Directors / Committee / Faculty Staff / Public Policy / News / Member Benefit

September 1, 2021—If you are an energetic and engaged member of the AMS community and would like to deepen your commitment and involvement, we invite you to apply for our board of directors. As a director, you would be part of a working board that devotes substantial time to seeing through projects and policies for the betterment of AMS and the global Montessori community. You would also be helping to chart the course of AMS—the world’s largest and most influential Montessori organization.

Press / Community / Faculty Staff / News / Policies / Credential

October 3, 2022—The American Montessori Society is excited to announce the creation of a board-approved commission designed to support local outreach throughout the United States. The newly-formed Regional Action Commission is the outcome of over a year of planning and conversation with a regional commission work group and other key stakeholders.

Board Of Directors / Committee / Faculty Staff / Public Policy / News / Member Benefit

June 5, 2023—If you are an energetic and engaged member of the AMS community and would like to deepen your commitment and involvement, we invite you to apply for our board of directors. As a director, you would be part of a working board that devotes substantial time to seeing through projects and policies for the betterment of AMS and the global Montessori community. You would also be helping to chart the course of AMS—the world’s largest and most influential Montessori organization.

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