Carrying the Torch: Honoring Maria Montessori's Legacy in the New School Year (Celebrating Maria Montessori’s Birthday)

Maria Montessori with children

As we celebrate the anniversary of Maria Montessori's birth on August 31, 1870, we are reminded of the profound legacy she left behind—a legacy that continues to transform lives, inspire educators, and shape the future of countless children worldwide. Her vision, rooted in the deep belief that every child holds infinite potential, remains a guiding light for all who walk the path of education.

As you embark on this new school year, know that you are the torchbearers of Montessori's extraordinary vision. You stand at the intersection of past and future, bringing to life the principles Montessori so passionately championed: respect for the child, the power of curiosity, and the freedom to explore and learn at one's own pace.

To the educators and trainers of future teachers, your work is foundational to sustaining and evolving Montessori's vision. By nurturing the next generation of educators, you ensure that her principles continue to thrive and adapt in a changing world.

Maria Montessori once said, "The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, 'The children are now working as if I did not exist.'" (Montessori, 1995, p. 283). This speaks not only to the empowerment of the child but also to the incredible skill, patience, and dedication required of you. Your role is not just to teach but to cultivate, to guide, and to nurture. You are the architects of environments where children feel seen, heard, and understood—where their unique abilities are recognized, and they are given the tools to thrive.

In the hustle and bustle of the school year, it can be easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. But remember, each lesson you present, each word of encouragement you offer, each moment of patience you extend contributes to a beautiful mosaic of learning and growth. You are not just shaping individual minds; you are helping create a more compassionate, thoughtful, and innovative world.

Maria Montessori envisioned education not merely as the transmission of knowledge, but also as the awakening of a deeper understanding of the world and oneself. You, as educators, are the catalysts for this awakening. Your passion, creativity, and commitment bring her vision to life, day after day, classroom after classroom.

“You, as educators, are the catalysts for this awakening. Your passion, creativity, and commitment bring her vision to life, day after day, classroom after classroom.”

So, as you begin this school year, take pride in the knowledge that you are carrying forward a century-old legacy. Know that in the eyes of each child you teach, the future shines a little brighter because of you. Let Maria Montessori's wisdom and spirit inspire you to continue your vital work with renewed energy and purpose.

May this year be one of discovery, growth, and joy. And as you guide your students through their learning journeys, may you also find inspiration in the journey Maria Montessori began over a hundred years ago—a journey that continues through each of you.


Montessori, M. (1995). The Absorbent Mind (C. A. Claremont, Trans.). Henry Holt and Company. (Original work published 1949).

About the Author

Munir Shivji

Executive Director

Munir Shivji, MEd (he/him), is the executive director at AMS. For over 20 years, he has been a noteworthy leader in Montessori education—as a former teacher, instructor, school administrator, and teacher education program administrator. He is an inspirational multi-AMS-Montessori credentialed leader who observes, connects, and tells stories that inspire action while also being grounded in business and financial acumen that levers the American Montessori Society for future success. Munir takes the collective voice and vision and makes it a reality through creative strategy development. Respected as a leading voice in Montessori, Munir connects AMS members and the Montessori community, establishes meaningful experiences for all stakeholders, and leads by example, always doing his best and encouraging others to do the same.

The opinions expressed in Montessori Life are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the position of AMS.

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